
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Update from the Pacific

Currently sailing west towards Singapore through the pacific, weather
is hot and work is plentiful. I have been working on deck with the bosun and pump man this week. I hope to get ashore in Singapore and then later in Sydney so perhaps I will be able to update the blog then. However I am unable to whilst at sea. We have Email but not internet so I have sent this post to my father to add. If anything exciting or dramatic happens I shall be sure to let you all know!



At 6:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats great news - hope you are liking it.
Also good to hear you have email on board. At least you will be able to keep in regular touch with those who are close to you at home.
Be sure that you do as they worry if they don't hear from you for long periods.
It's not only the seafarer who is stressed out by the isolation and inability to maintain contact, it is also those at home - but at least you have email availability on board - be sure to use it.
In my day we never had that.
Good luck.

Captain (Ret'd)
Nov 24th 2006

At 6:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there rob - thats great news.
Having email is good news too.
Internet access though - well that's another matter altogether.
It's best that is not available on board - it really could present a serious/severe security threat to you and everyone on board.
Hope you like it and are not seasick, but if you are, hang in there, it eventually passes in the case of the vast majority of people.
There are a very few however, who never shake it off. Very few though.


At 11:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Retired Shipmaster says:-
In reviewing and considering all the content of this blog, who could argue that the Industry has recruited a good one - in Rob.
In addition to everthing else, it is now becoming clear that he has the ability and wherewithall to get really organised.
That's excellent in my view, and he has only just started.
But I just knew it - right from the moment of his initial posting, as far back as July.
Well done Laddie - you certainly haven't let me down.

:) Shipmaster (Ret'd)

At 2:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rob.

I've just started as a Chevron cadet myself. Completed my 6 week induction at Fleetwood Nautical College on the 17th of November. Only just stumbled across this blog now as I'm getting ready to join my first ship.

It's been very interesting to read of the differences between the two colleges. It seems Fleetwood's induction phase is a lot more practically based than the course at Warsash. We spent a full week on EDH, a day on PSSR, two days on sea survival, a day on first aid and three days of fire fighting (two and a half of which were spent in BA suits doing casualty retrieval and fire fighting scenarios, not to mention the dreaded flash-over demonstrations). As well as that we did a full week of boat handling down at the river estuary. Mostly consisted of TEMPSC launch and recovery and coxing. I must say your cabin was a lot bigger than mine though. Ours were absolutely tiny, only about 6' x 1' of floor space.

I'm mostly wondering what ship you are sailing on. I'm due to join the Vega Voyager on the 8th in Hawaii. From what I've seen on this blog it would be great if we were to end up on the same ship. It sounds like you have the same trip as me (Hawaii, Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong) but whether it's the same ship...

I had the exact same experience with the trip to Edinburgh and Glasgow as well as the US visa trip. The company jargon was a little convoluted but the people at the office seemed like decent chaps.

Hope you are enjoying yourself out there, perhaps we'll meet in the near future.

Craig Leppert

At 10:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Craig



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