
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

arrrr 'n' arrrrr

Basic fire fighting theory today, we learnt about different classes of fire from A through to F (not including E - that's a category Americans give to electrical fires(which don't happen because its the wire/insulation/plastic that's burning and not the electricity!))
There are different methods for putting out each category of fire including cooling, smothering and removing the fuel (E.g shutting off the gas supply if its on fire). This is because all fires require air, fuel and heat in order to burn. So if you can remove one of those you have no fire. Of course that's easier said than done in many cases as fire is rather warm and produces smoke and toxins. We were shown all the different types of extinguisher and how to use them, then we were told that most ships will have dry powder (almost useless according to our instructor) and water (no good for fires near live electrical equipment and also sometimes ineffective due to surface tension - it wont soak into the centre of a burning mattress.) Water also posses a problem as if too much is used it can effect the stability of the ship. There have been cases of ships sinking in harbor when the shoreside fire fighters have used water a little too enthusiastically and filled the ship! In the true spirit of teaching here we were told yet more gruesome stories of deaths at sea.

Tomorrow we are doing the practical fire fighting exercise. We will be donning breathing apparatus (which we were shown today) and conducting a search of two decks of the simulator for casualties. We will be doing this in groups of four, I am hoping to be designated the team leader as there are a few of my fellow cadets I would enjoy yelling at should they make a mistake. It will be amusing to see how many of them struggle when faced with real fire and realistic casualties in the pitch black searing heat - I expect they will wish they had paid more attention in the theory classes or at least turned up on time. A little off topic now but I feel like a bit of a rant, I have been amazed at how many cadets are lapse about their time keeping/ appearance/ politeness towards adults etc. I have not yet been on a ship but would imagine that being late for a watch does not make you very popular with the chap your relieving. I have been presuming they will only do it once! Appearance is often reminiscent of a 13 year old kid at school (ties loose barely reaching below their breast pocket, shirt un-tucked and buttons undone, un-polished shoes and all to often an air of "uh?!" about them.) Rant over.

I forgot to add above - we will also be putting out a fire tomorrow, with a hose I'd imagine.

One more quick rant then I'm done. I heard today from my company they will not allow me to join the RNR, I'm a little upset and surprised, they evidently need persuading. I shall continue to try.


At 11:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrific Stuff Rob.
We are all learning a lot from this blog.
Well done.
RNR well U can always put it on the back burner so to speak.
Sea time comes first and then them exams.
After that - you can think about it again, or alternatively join the RN right now or maybe do something else, go somewhere else, and join the RNR when you like.

Shipmaster Retired.
Woof woof, Wag Wag.

At 11:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Steady as she goes" - for the time being - I suggest.


At 12:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer Man - it's cool.
You got "Titanic" DVD ??
You got Midnight Oil Band - Beds are Burning & Blue Sky Mine ??
Good stuff - all relevant in it's own way.


At 12:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Sure !!!
That Blue Sky Mine - it asbestos mine - No Good Mine.
Many men die, many more sick - Bad company - they run away - no care about working men.
All die !!!


At 2:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

13 year old kid:-
Shirt hanging out, buttons undone !!!!!
But why ?
Appearance is important, but it depends on other things does it not ?
When you get to your ship it may be well equipped, but another one may not be.
One washing machine, broken for years and never repaired or replaced.
One bucket of water per day per man - oh yes it happens believe me.
There are ships out there which are unfit to house animals, let alone human beings.
So verily I say unto you,if it in anyway originates in Glasgow and is related to international shipping, then you should always view it with one jaundiced eye, and trigger a red flashing light in your head - just as a reminder to be cautious. It may not be required - but equally it very well might.
Some people will conduct their "Business" with anyone, absolutely anyone at all.

"interested party"

At 8:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reckon, from past experience, that these "kids" are about to get the biggest shock of their lives - existing in the adult world, and being responsible for themselves. It's all part of education, learning what the limits are, how to behave, acceptable appearance. They may not be worried now, but I'm sure it'll get back to their employers pretty fast. Keep up the good work.

At 1:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is truly fantastic.
It may be "Just Cyberspace" but it really is Real.


At 1:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not much doubt about that, - blackdog - is there?



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