
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Re-sits?? no thankyou!

Sorry I've been a little preocupied with exams and bars and suchlike. This week was exam week, having finished our lessons last week with a flurry of revision and cramming, we had two exams on Monday, two Tuesday and one on Wednesday. They were all scheduled to take about 1hr, The longest one took me 15 mins. So most of the week was spent with the entire class waiting for and watching the clock.

We got the results today, Mine go as follows,

Dry Cargo 70%
Wet Cargo 80%
Shipboard Working Enviroment 90%
Ship and Port Operations 85%
Bridge and Deck Watch keeping 96%

We still dont have the result for Ship Maintenence. There are quite a few who failed, they are doing re-sits tomorrow.

Will post more this evening, off to lunch now.


At 6:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good start.
Keep it up.
Best of luck.

Kind regards,

At 6:47 pm, Blogger Rob said...

Thankyou very much, I shall! no more exams until phase 3 now. Just EDH, STCW95 courses and off to sea!



At 12:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RNR hey hey hey
Now thats a good move young fella.
I like it, oh boy, do I like it


At 12:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RNR Yes Yes Yes.
You can liken it to spreading your options.
I see you as a diversified "investment", and so will others - I am sure.
You young un's may not be "silly" after all. !!!!


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