
Monday, October 16, 2006

More doom and gloom and a freezing cold room

Today we have started our short courses (Basic fire fighting -BFF, personal safety and social responsibility -PSSR, personal sea survival -PSS and first aid -EFA.)
This morning we completed PSSR, this consisted of yet more pictures of broken ships and stories of how they came to be broken. We were also treated to a variety of examples of different ways we could kill ourselves (and made to think we probably will!)
It appears drinking and sailing is not thought of as a good idea. Infact we were shown many photo's of where it has proven to be a really really bad idea! A first mate on the bridge on his own, at night, with no lookout and half a bottle of brandy inside him = "bang", followed by "what was that?", followed by "sorry to wake you captain but we appear to be on some rocks/another vessel", followed by large fine/prison/sacking of said mate.
This afternoon was the beginning of the BFF course, just the theory today and tomorrow then its time to be frazzled on Wednesday. Pretty basic stuff really, fire triangle etc. Also plenty of pictures of burning vessels just to cheer us up. Although we were glad to be talking about fire as all the rooms are freezing including my cabin. I think the heating gets turned on at some point, probably when we turn up for lessons with frostbite and blue noses!
Later tonight there is a lecture by Nautilis UK (formally Numast) - The MN Officers union.


At 8:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds OK to me - apart from the heating of course.
All those gloom and doom things do happen - so it's as well you are made aware of it now.
That's what you are going to sea for - TO STOP IT HAPPENING in future.
The "Impossible task" I suggest, but YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE - I hope.
Not without employers support tho' and decent working conditions.
That is difficult to obtain - offshore & Flag of Convenience. They just do not care - many of them.


PS. the cold is good "training" as well, That too will happen on ships. More often though it will be the heat - Air conditioning broken - no spares/no gas.
All ordered ages ago, but owners won't buy it.

At 12:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye - and thats where the "Managing Company" steps in to aid and abet these henious acts.
"We forgot to process the order" - thats one.
Here's another:-
We don't want the owners to know we stuffed up the budget -(Marketing)- so we've included it for next year, or maybe the year after that.
And finally, maybe they just want to create chaos and carnage on board - why should they care - particularly those with an offshoot interest - selling/arranging airline tickets - they can make money out of that, particularly if they don't like that specific client for some reason best known to themselves.
Be careful where you allow them to place you.


At 1:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch your spelling !!!
You can do better than that.

Luv Dorothy

At 1:19 am, Blogger Rob said...

sorry, spelling amended!

At 3:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Move there Rob, I detect diplomacy and consideration as well.
Important attributes in any ones language.
You just seem to get better each day.

Shipmaster Retired.

At 9:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Rob.
I no meant what maybe U think I meant.
U see, my English no so good yet.
You OK - That for sure.


At 10:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats right Rob.
Maybe you will even get that extra 2% you asked about.
If so, it will be the first time ever.



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