You will be pleased to learn this blog is about to start taking up more of my time as it has received a "plug" in the Marine societies E-Newsletter and will be appearing as a link on their website. I may be over estimating the readership of said E-Newsletter however it is possible I shall see a sharp increase in traffic!
Talking of traffic I have just recalled an amusing episode we had in Hong Kong. Well at least I found it amusing/interesting having only been on board 3 weeks and never having experienced such a thing before. As we approached the anchorage at Hong Kong we were in a lane of traffic all heading in our direction. Astern of us a container ship doing 20 knots or so, on our port side traffic moving in the opposite direction and to the starboard side, islands and shallow water. The container vessel was closing on our position (closing range - before you ask) and was coming to overtake us on the starboard side, then port, then starboard, then port again. It couldn't decide but definitely thought it wise to pass one way or another. We attempted to reach the vessel, who was not responding on the VHF, to ask her intentions. We called the local VTS and requested they contact the vessel to "request she does not pass us". They did so, warning the vessel to adjust her speed. She responded affirmatively but failed to make any adjustment. Despite numerous calls the vessel continued to weave along behind us rather like an impatient driver on the outside lane of a motorway. Eventually and without warning she swung hard to port and proceeded to come around 180deg on to a reciprocal course, thus crossing the other traffic lane. She undertook this maneuver to cries of "Do not cross my bow" and "what are you doing"(the impolite version) resonating from the VHF. Meanwhile the VTS had an interesting time conveying other rather angry vessels messages to the container vessel. Once at anchorage I noticed on the AIS that the vessel proceeded to play the same game again, perhaps in order to arrive somewhere at the correct time, or perhaps just to piss off every other ship in the area?!
Anyway, I thought I would share this with you as I am very bored indeed waiting to return to college. Having time off is great, but its no fun when you're a poor deck cadet with no cash/car etc! Never mind I shall enjoy it better when I am third mate no doubt(?!). Really looking forward to going back to college where I shall be occupied. R