
Monday, April 16, 2007

Back in the Sash

Finally returned to sunny Warsash. I have really missed this place. Enjoying it already. Plenty of stories to swap about sea time etc. It seems I have been very very lucky to be with Chevron. No-body has had quite as good a trip as myself, although they all sound interesting. I am only writing a short amount as I am tired and quite lashed (thats modern talk for drunk!) Only to say we had our first lesson of what is to be 5 weeks of maths today. The teacher started by writing "2+3=" on the board. It got a little harder after that when we had to write something after the "=" sign. But that really was as taxing as the lesson got. Needless to say I am glad to be catching up on my otherwise very rusty maths. We are assured we will learn spherical trig and other exciting things during our Maths tuition. Cant wait!



At 11:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spherical Trig
Not difficult, quite easy especially if you already know Plain Trig.
Just working with different Numbers ie degrees, minutes & seconds instead of Linear,s.
Versines & Haversines & a couples of extra formulae that's all.


At 6:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spherical Trig - well well well.
It always was spherical trig but in my day - they called it Celestial Navigation.
As it seems you don't do that any more (essentially) they have to call it something I suppose - why not "Sherical Trig" - makes sense - I suppose.

Capt (Ret'd)


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