
Friday, March 16, 2007

Back in good ole blighty!

After 28 hours of travelling I am back in England now. Had a great trip and kinda missing it already! still not long and i'll be off to college and then back to sea in the summer. I am really tired now so i'll post some later.



At 1:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thats great Rob - was getting a bit worried as you hadn't posted.
C ya, when you wake up.

Luv Dorothy

At 7:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Sunshine.
Well done.

thumbs up.
wink, wink.

At 7:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing you first voyage at sea.
It's good to hear you enjoyed it, lets hope it's the same the next time.
One thing I reckon, which may have escaped you, and that is, somwhere back there in Australia is a very sad Captain - its always a sad day when you sign off a good cadet, ot anyone else for that matter. Few people even consider that side of things.
Even worse, is when you sign off a cadet who really knows his collision rules - Oh Yes - that verges on the unbearable - so it does.
What a magnificent blog this one is.
Have a good leave, and a good time at college - it'll be much more interesting now, and make more sense to you - at least I think so.
Hope your wages are all in the bank as they should be - don't blow them all catching up with old "mates" in the pub.
But if you see an old Captain at the Bar - well you could always buy him a beer - just one though.


At 10:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I would agree with the foregoing comments - your route - the HND route or whatever they call it today, is the best route.
That Gap between school and going to sea was probably to your benefit as well - especially working as a barman - I suspect.
Hope you enjoy college - I'm sure you will now - you'll have a much clearer idea of what they are talking about - that makes it fun in a sense.
Hope your next trip is as good as the last - but don't be suprised if it's not, and always be carefull where they place you.
You should invariably be OK with a company like Chevron, and yes there will no doubt be some that are even better - not many though - I suspect. Plenty of worse ones, of that you can be certain - some terrible - in fact.
It's all this "client" stuff - that's what makes it unpredictable.
Clearly your choice was a good one on this occassion.

Shipmaster (ret'd)

P.S. And I bet you are a bit better at packing suitcases now.
Much of your future will be in and out of suitcases. Thats always the downside, but not so bad when you are young.

At 5:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's back to Warsash again.
Well thats something to look forward to but don't forget you have a long term future to consider.
Living out of a suitcase is not everyones eutopea - but it's OK for a while I suppose - just don't "Lock" yourself into it, you may live to regret it if you do.
Despite what she says, one day, when you awaken, "Dorothy" may be gone, kids too, along with most of your wordly possessions.
It takes a special kind of committment to risk that, and the more often you go away and return, even those in the area you live will have moved on - and you may just become a stranger in your own community - and that's not desireable at all.
Seems to me, you're too nice a guy for that to happen to.
A lecturer at Warsash - one day perhaps - now that would be something - don't you think.



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