
Monday, February 26, 2007

Quick update

Just a quick update, not much to write about really, same ole same ole etc.

We are now en-route to our next load port. The discharge in Hawaii was eventful, we had to abandon mooring when one of the buoys developed a hole and sank. It was quickly repaired though and after just a day at anchor we returned and discharged the cargo.

We now have a new Captain on board and its interesting for me to see how the mood on the ship changes. Not for the worse. I have been able to practice using the sextant on the stars in the last few days, I was pleased to get 6 the other night with two of them calculating to be 0.0 (A) and the other all 0.2/0.3 etc. The end fix was 2NM from the DR position. Just a lucky go perhaps. The C/O also observed the same stars but was not as accurate.

I get the blog comments forwarded to me, good to see its still popular even though I am unable to update as often as I'd like. When I return home next month I'll be far more attentive and read through all the comments again. Thanks for the explanation on GHA, LHA etc. It makes a little more sense to me now I am learning how to take a star sight. The Almanac is certainly a real maze when first opened but I think with plenty of practice I ought to be able to navigate through it ok. I have started to learn the rules; I find them a little long winded. They are certainly written with the law in mind rather than the user. Perhaps when I start to apply them it will be easier.

There isn't much traffic out here in the pacific! As the new Cap would say, Ciao!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Not a lot

Not a lot to write about really, but I though I'd send something to keep you all updated as you are so attentive with your comments. We are now proceeding across the Pacific towards Hawaii. I have been learning more on the bridge really as the work on deck is just rust bustin' and painting at the moment. I've learnt to use the Sextant which is a lot harder than it looks! The sky is amazing out here in the ocean, totally different from what is visible ashore. I will be ¾ into my contract when we reach Hawaii and then only one more loading and discharge before I sign off. At the moment the plan is to go onto PNG and load for four days. The rate is 175 per day as it's loaded by gravity so a few days sitting on the Sbm.

Then we are off to Australia to discharge and time for me to sign off. I have not decided whether to sign off in Sydney or Brisbane yet -- any recommendation as to which is more interesting to see? I will spend a day or so there and have a look around after signing off.

We have some internal and external audits in Hawaii so we are reviewing /swatting up on all the procedures they are likely to quiz us on. Not too much of a problem hopefully. I should get ashore in Honolulu which will be my first step on dry land since the 6th December. We will be joined by a new Captain in Hawaii, I hope he is as friendly and helpful as the Captain I have had so far.

I am now really looking forward to returning to college as there is lots I want to learn so I can put it into practice on my next voyage. Although the Officers on the ship are on the whole willing to teach me things they are not so clear in explaining it as the lecturers at Warsash and so sometimes I am left totally confused -- Declination, GHA, LHA etc etc. [That'll provoke some more comments -- Ed]