
Friday, January 23, 2009

The next lot

Today was open day here at Warsash, and a chance for us to showcase the career to 'the next lot'. I was placed on one of the simulators and took a Ro-Ro out of Portsmouth and down towards the Nab. Once I got the hang of the handling(not the same as a VLCC -that's for sure) it didn't go too badly at all. It seems this career is slowly becoming more and more popular, certainly most of the people here today had some background knowledge and understanding of the job, and showed a lot of interest. When I started in 2006 almost none of my class had any idea what life on a ship was, or indeed any idea if we would like it or not. Many didn't.

We have plenty of assignments to be getting on with, some of which are due before Easter. Our passage planning assignment has us planning the passage from USA East coast to Norway. The only chart we have to use is the final chart in the Norwegian port, but there is plenty of information to go on it. Our lecturer says the passage planning we are learning is only done in the RFA, and that most of us will never use the skills again. However I think that the passage plans I have seen on board are pretty close to that which we are being taught. Certainly not quite so comprehensive, but at least approaching the 'MCA template'. Many of my piers however sit with their mouths dropped open and eyes wide as the lecturer explains the use of margins of safety, clearing bearings etc. It seems many sail around oblivious of where they are, or indeed where they are going.

One thing I find interesting is the use of visual bearings on a wheel over position. Unless the bearing parallels your next course(which is often not possible), it is only of use if there is zero cross track error on the approach to the way point, not impossible or even improbable, but sometimes difficult.


At 3:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goody goody - You are still at it after all.
That too is promising - I suggest.
The next lot sounds ok to me, bearing in mind that explaining things in pure text is not always as easy as it seems.
Going back - GRAIN REGS.
I can't understand why they still call them just that.
For thirty years now, indeed more, they are just as applicable to coal. So just because they call them grain regs, you must consider them when loading coal - more so than grain - I suggest.
What size is one particle of coal in a typical bulk shipment these days ?
Certainly maybe less than 1 grain of wheat.
Likely between that and one grain of corn.
Even worse, likely to be loaded wet, whilst that is far less likely with grain.
You then have a slurry at the bottom of the hold - Not desireable at all - particularly when the weather is bad.
When are they going to teach you Marine Engineering, Instrumentation and control, Naval Architecture, Medicine, Surgery,
etc. etc.
Yes you will be required to "operate" as well, sooner or later, (Class 2 vessels) but it should be easier now with coms the way that they are. Start thinking about how you would set up the coms, what you have available on board, how you would use it etc. etc.
Make notes as the ideas come into your head. In two or three years those notes will form a clear picture of what should be in the perfect contingency plan. You will just have to rearrange the notes - effectively speaking, then word them correctly - That sort of thing.
No need to hurry - use your time at sea wisely - don't just sit in the bar.
You guys have laptops to store those notes - my generation did not.
If unsuccessfull you have to know the procedures for laying em out, preparing for burial etc. etc.
A Jack of all trades - you will be (Eventually) but it takes time, and can be very distressing some times.

Shipmasters Business:- Go back again.

(Capt Ret'd)

At 3:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sing Song,
Sing along with me

I'll leave the sunshine to the flowers
I'll leave the springtime to the trees

And to the old folks, I'll leave the mem'ries
Of a baby upon their knees

I'll leave the night time to the dreamers
I'll leave the songbirds to the blind

I'll leave the moon above
To those in love
When I leave the world behind

wink wink.

At 3:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah man
Better take some dance lessons too
The summer ball at Warsash is coming up.
That's a night you will never forget - not ever.


At 4:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cargo Work.

Ya Ya Ya Ya,
I sexy playwrite today.
I make play for you,
Si Si – Senior, Seniora et Senioritas,
For you, I make “special performance,”
Of Latin America “Clack a Clack, Clack” dance,
Like Matador do.
But first, before I do this, You must go back d-o-c again,
Si Si
This you must do,
For if No Do,
Then I No “special performance” for you.
When you go d-o-c again, (and it ok,)
Then you download 6 pieces of coal,
It will get you 98+, if you do,
and from just where it counts, I assure you.

Ya Ya Ya – Oh-ley


At 4:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking Forward :-

“Dance like a Butterfly” and when necessary, “Sting Like a Bee”,

For, I AM THE GREATEST, said he.

And he was just that, the greatest of all time, in fact,
Who could possibly deny that.
But the cost of it all,
That’s a different matter entirely.

I say – Mr. Average is fine,
Mr Average, plus a bit more, is of course a bonus.
Mr Pure Academic, on the other hand,
Is virtually no good – at sea.
And those who try to portray themselves as “Academics” (at sea)
Do themselves no favours at all.
Keep things as simple as possible,
Cut out the crap,
Then everyone should understand what you mean.

If you write the word Displacement or even Displ.,
I’ll be happy, and so will most people on board.
If you substitute a Greek Letter,
I’d simply ask why,
Cuz that sort of thing does not impress me in the least,
And for all I know, you may well, just be confusing yourself.

Theta and pi, on the other hand – well they are pretty standard, are they not ?

Leave Greek letters to the Greeks – they might understand them,
But surprisingly enough, more often than not, they do not.

Shipmaster (Ret’d)

Here endeth,
A “Royal Command” Performance.”
Fair thee well laddie.

At 4:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just because someone says you cannot join the RNR does not mean you cannot keep in touch with them on a regular basisi when on leave.
You know where they are, and if you do that you may be suprised.
They too may like to hear what it's like on your tankers, and in return maybe your telephone will ring one day, when on leave,
"Hey Rob, would you like to come for a spin in our warship this weekend" ?
I'm sure you'd say yes, if they did.
Might learn who would allow you to join - at the same time.
If they don't - well try again next leave - Why Not ?

At 12:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well well well well
Cargo Work Question - Coal.
It seems you have your six pieces of coal, and have done the right thing with them !!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations - you've passed that question at least.
Makes life so much easier for me. ?

Capt (Ret'd) / "Examiner"

At 12:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wink wink: wink wink :wink wink

But you seem to have lost your initial "sparkle" and good manners,
"Have you left them behind on your ship" ?

Guess Who ?

At 1:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steering and sailing rules !

Now what does the rule say about this ?
And What does it say about that !

Be sure you can answer - if required,
And you know what you have to do - to do that.


At 1:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should your "agent" advise this is not available, or that is not available, there is invariably a reason for that - and it may not be what you think.
Perhaps he has something more lucrative lined up - not for you but for him - and very much to your detriment.
Maybe, maybe not - depends who they are - but I would not trust any of them these days.
Apply yourself - to overcome that potential problem - if applicable.

Good bye

At 2:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think my 'sparkle' was rather thrust upon me, I write this blog honestly and with integrity, I am not attemting to impress anyone or to show myself as something I am not. It is merely a record of my thoughts and activities.


At 6:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fine Rob. Splendid in fact.
Believe it or not "We" all see it that way - and mentioned it only in the hope that you will keep it that way.

Elder 1.

At 6:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have U downloaded/copied & pasted 6 pieces of coal yet.
You will be "Rewarded in heaven" when you do.

Elder 2.

At 6:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you get the impression, that anyone thought anything else.
It was in fact an "Illusion" - understandable of course.
Count to 10 before jumping to conclusions, but even then they may still be wrong - just be aware of it - that's all.
This blog is a good "simulator",
good "stimulator" too - I would hope.

Spirit 1.

At 6:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah yeah man
Cool blog - so study it.
Cut out wheat from chaff - U can easily do that.
Get used to it now as you will be doing it for the rest of your life -
It will drive you "insane" in the end.


At 6:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 007 - thats right, it's what those ship management companies do.
They thrive on it.
You are not pissed - but you think that U are - or someone else does.
Likewise with your "sanity".


At 2:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is snooping around now ?
Non other than that lot who had their brains kicked in by the policies of that woman Thatcher, then became totally "Brain Dead" with the arrival of Reagan.
The moral is, don't "sabre rattle" and shout about "Star Wars".
It seems to be part and parcel of the package these days and it leads to NO GOOD.
Another example which indicates Warsash has deteriorated since my days - "Mad Men with Machine GUNS"
(quote) - Thats no way to introduce induction students - it suggests violence from the start, perhaps even encourages it.
Yet again, (quote) "you are entering the most dangerous profession in the world".
What nonsense - it can become that way very quickly for sure, but it can be perfectly safe - indeed it was - but that was a long time ago. ie Much safer back in the 1960's than today - but Mariners were Mariners in those days, ships had adequate manning, and with the better companies (& most were), an old cargo ship was like a yacht - in terms of maintenance, there were no rust buckets in those days. There were more cadets too - and they all played their part.
The oceans were busy - real busy in fact, traffic densities much heavier than today - & No TRS zones - everything flying in all directions. Collisions occured for sure, but relatively speaking they were few because people complied with the rules and there was a man for lookout at all times.
Radars became common place and they created the radar assisted collision because no one was educated in their use - that soon changed but collisions still occured with radar where personnel still had not done a Radar Observer course. Do they do that today, can you plot without ARPA.?
We had to, and did not get our tickets till we could. Same goes for Radar Simulator, Ship Masters Medical, Advanced Firefighting etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. - the list goes on and on.
You may have been taught to radar plot manually, but can you still do it instantly and properly if your ARPA goes down ?
Keep your hand in - Manually plot when the situation allows it thereby keeping your hand in - its called "clear weather practice at sea".
When your ARPA goes down, thats not the time to start learning again - if you see what I mean.
How many do that ? - probably exceptionally few.
Not enough personnel is a part of the explanation perhaps, but only a small part - most just can't be bothered - Don't become one of them, if you can.
"Yakking on the VHF " - that never used to happen either - nobody dared - they valued it too much, using it only for the purposes intended. Anarchy at sea, had not yet arrived.
Now lets go back again:-
It,s 0300 hrs and you are proceeding at full sea speed.
You are on bridge control.
Your instrumentation indicates a severe scavenge fire in the main engine.
What do you do about it. ?


You can do it now, and yes it would be exceptionally pleasing if you added the "Supplementaries" - if deemed necessary.

Is this guy "Busting his boiler" you may ask.
No laddie, I'm just beginning to raise steam - thats all.

Best of luck - YOU WILL BE JUST FINE - don't worry about it too much.
Just stick at it, and let your hair down a bit, now and again.(Just don't go "ballistic" when you do)
That too, is important.


At 2:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has your employer changed their doctor in Edinburgh ?
"Just outrageous" - What were they examing you for - Pre entry to ABU GRAIB.
Well that's another way of looking at it - I suppose.
Intended that way ? - Probably not, - but not necessarily so.

Somebody else.

At 4:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well somebody else has raised an interesting point.
That medical sounds revolting - totally uneccessary too - I suggest.
Just one small step from "abuse" in my view.
If they were really interested in your health, to that extent, why did they not pay for you to be run over by an MRI scanner.
Seems to me "degrade and humiliate" may have been the ultimate motive.
Personaly I feel these so called "medicals" by some designated doctors acting on behalf of sombody else, are nothing more than a scam, who knows where the info goes and what it is ultimately used for.
I don't allow any of them to touch me anymore, under any circumstance at all.
But of course you can't work - if you take that stance.


At 4:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oral Examination.
With all this ISPS garbage why not just stand there before the examiner, and once he has passed the ROR bit of the orals, and moves on to the other things, just smile sweetly and say nothing at all, perhaps holding up a placard with ISPS !!!! on it.
I wonder if they could (ethically or morally) fail you for that.

Chief Justice.

At 5:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that US cadets when being orally examined, just invoke the 5th ammendment, and get away with it too ?

At 1:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For consideration - Looking Forward.

You should budget for psychiatric fees in the future.
Physical defects are nothing - relatively speaking - but psychiatric ones are exceptionally devastating.
eg. the crew were recently released by the pirates after 6 months detention. They were unharmed.
Well they would say that wouldn't they.
The truth is, they are probably irreversably harmed, and will remain so for the rest of their days.
But that doesn't matter, does it.
Put yourself first laddie - no one else will.

an old smoker & steamer. LOL.

At 1:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A “delicate” Question ?

Dearest Rob,
You are in the middle of some vast ocean in the vicinity of Latitude 35 degrees (North or South).
All of your bridge electronics have been rendered unserviceable due to some single event or by a combination of events.
There is no hope of restoring them to operational status until reaching some port.
You’ve picked up your sextant and “shot” six stars and you are sure the sights are all good.
You’ve worked them out using your Nautical Tables and Nautical Almanac, and have determined the six position lines and their corresponding intercepts.
You come to plot them, but find you have no plotting sheet/chart on board.
You call the master to inform him.
He arrives on the bridge a few minutes later, looking bewildered and distressed, he picks his nose, then hands you a large sheet of plain paper and tells you, in no uncertain terms, to MAKE ONE, (Mercator Version) to the scale of 1:1850.
What basic navigational formula would you be required to use ?

Love “Grandad”.

P.S. I am now able to confirm I have been reading your blog, and would like to suggest you think “Captains and Pliers” in considering your answer to the above.
Who Luvs ya, babe, – and I am absolutely certain you’ll pass.
Bye bye.

wink wink.

At 1:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes "Grandad" - of course he will pass, all he has to do is to want to, to learn his collregs, and take note of the "wheat" which comes in the form of comments - ignore the chaff - but perhaps just file it as "chaff" - it may come in handy in a different context one day.

An admirer.

At 1:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That formula mentioned by "Grandad".
Here is a clue - just in case you forgot, or havent been taught yet,
(most unlikely - but nevertheless possible I suppose)

it contains the following:

x cos lat, and does not relate to "Unprofessional" Departure.

God almighty, when they going to teach you to navigate.

My generation knew that one at least 9 months in advance of joining our first ship, or even considering making an application to join one - with some company or another.

Capt (Ret'd)

At 1:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

… --- …
… --- …
… --- …

.--. .-.. . .- … .
…. . .-.. .--.

… .. - ..- .- - ..
--- -. -.. . …
.--. . .-. .- - .

.- --. --- -. -.--
.- -. -..
… ..- ..-. ..-. .
.-. . -. --.

…. .. - …. . .-. - ---
..- -. .--. .-. . -.-. .. -.. . -. - . -.

--- …- . .-. …- .- … - .- .-. . .- …

--. --- - ---

.-- .-- .-- stop .-. … .--. -.-. .- …- .. -.-. stop --- .-. --. Stop .- -..

… .. --. -. . -..

… -.- .. .--. .--. -.--

At 1:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



Wee, sleekit, cowerin', tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa' sae hastie,

Wi' bickering brattle !
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,

Wi' murd'rin' pattle

I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
And justifies that ill opinion

Which makes thee startle At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,

An' fellow-mortal.

I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve ;
What then ? poor beastie, thou maun live !
A daimen-icker in a thrave

'S a sma' request:
I'll get a blessin' wi' the lave,

And never miss't.

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
Its silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething now to big a new ane

O' foggage green !
An' bleak December's winds ensuin',

Baith snell and keen.
Loading...Loading...TO A MOUSE. 23

Thou saw the fields laid bare and waste,
An' weary winter coming fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,

Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coultert past

Out through thy cell.

That wee bit heap o' leaves and stibble,
Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,

But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble,

And cranreuch cauld !

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain :
The best-laid schemes o' mice and men

Gang aft a-gley,
And lea'e us nought but grief and pain,

For promised joy.

Still thou art blest, compared wi' me !
The present only toucheth thee ;
But, och! I backward cast my e'e,

On prospects drear!
And forward, though I canna see,

I guess an' fear.

R.Burns ( Bard O the North )

At 12:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on laddie - don't be intimidated - stand up for yourself,
post again - it's ok in your case, I'm sure.

Shipmaster retired

At 3:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh - hows that for a typical cadet.
Just walks off - "takes his bat and ball and goes home" whenever the going gets tough.
You will have to put that right laddie - and fast.

Capt. Retired.

At 8:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Standby please.... plenty of work and play which has to take priority, I will post again soon. Rob

At 3:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great.
Now at least we know you are still in the land of the living.
You will pass but maybe it will require a resit of one subject or part of your orals.
So what - sometimes success only comes after failure.


At 11:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Itsme said:-

"Now at least we know you are still in the land of the living".

Are you getting the message ?
Don't start things until you've thought them thro, and certainly not if you are not prepared to follow them through until conclusion.

Visitors to this blog, who have studied it, may well understand why
I now say - "Why should I bother any longer, if you are in the land of the living or not ?

Goes "against the grain" somewhat, but should be clearly understandable by most.

Think about it. The shipmaster is stressed to the limit already, without you adding to it with a spasmodic attempt at blogging.

Best of luck - looking forward, and recognising your blog has or at least should have given you an insight into what "command" really involves - Not a nice picture at all.
My generation would not have learned that until they were well into their forties - so perhaps the cyber world does have some advantages when it comes to "simulations".

Shipmaster (Retired)

At 1:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer, I agree.
Qualify, do a couple of trips as a watchkeeper - then get out, before it's too late.
You will sacrifice all the good things in life, if you don't.


At 1:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye, it's true laddie, so it is.
And the longer you leave it, the more difficult it will be to get out.
Having said that, at least put your training to some use before leaving - some watchkeeping (OOW) experience should at least be beneficial to you in the longer term.
However if you are the type that prefers to isolate themself from society, then go for it, but you will regret it later in life - that's almost a certainty.
There again however, that doesn't always happen, but in the majority of cases it does - and that majority is large.

At 2:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - wrong place ?

At 5:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's it all going, - time for a post is it not ?

Capt (Ret'd)

At 12:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on handsome - don't be shy.

At 12:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even a little one will do.

At 6:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh man
Just a quickie.
You owe it to yourself.

At 3:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well have you finished that passage plan yet?
I'm getting a bit tired of waiting.
The barnacles are now thick on the hull, and with all these oustanding port dues - we will have no money for fuel.
I'm generally pretty patient and tolerant- but there are limits - you know - aye laddie, even with you. So there are.

Shipmaster (Ret'd)
March 30th 2009.

At 5:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Backup


Joined: 24 Dec 2004
Posts: 365
Location: Pacific Region
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:28 am Post subject:


What happened at the port of departure - Aye - there's the rub. ?
Newcastle, I believe, - in the State of New South Wales.

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Joined: 22 Dec 2004
Posts: 255
Location: S.E. Asia
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:06 pm Post subject:


THAT'S IT pp. You've hit the nail right on the head.
PSC - probably non existant.
And then there's the Port Authorities, Agents, Pilots and Tugs.
This vessel clearly was forced out, without being ready for sea.
Perhaps everyone was too busy reading/laughing at the following book, if the one previously described, didn't play a role, in this case.
A Seafarers guide to ISM Published by The North of England P & I Association. ISBN 0 9542012-2-1.
Co authored by Peter Kidman and Philip Anderson, (alledgedly in the interest of Loss Prevention) distributed free to it's members by IFSMA of 202, Lambeth Road London.
It is a Comic book which appears to do nothing but ridicule the best efforts of the IMO and certainly did not contribute to any form of "Loss Prevention" in the case of Pacific Adventurer. (31 Containers on the sea bed)
I'm not suprised they gave it away for free - Would any self respecting Professional Shipmaster even contemplate purchasing such TRASH even at 30 GBP. It is an outrage, and in my view, never in Maritime History has so much been done to de-professionalise Master Mariners / Deck Officers / Seafarers, than has been acheived through 202, Lambeth Road, and I am even more convinced of that today, than before.
Is it any wonder we get radical organisations like Al Queida and the Taliban springing up around the world. Perhaps they will do us all a favour and target the source of an International Maritime Disgrace - located at that address. You never know, we might be lucky, and rid this garbage and the like, from all association with the Oceans of the world, once and for all.
As for Kidman and Anderson, (the authors), well far too much Newcastle Brown Ale, I suggest. What else have they done - Founders of Alcoholics Anonymous - perhaps. Their images would suggest so.
Those who seek to portray the Profession of Seafaring as comic - have no place on the face of this earth.
Obviously Thatcherite Yuppies. FAT CAT Alcoholics - no more.
UTTER GARBAGE _ no more no less.
Where have all the crews gone ? Easy to guess, I suggest.

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Joined: 22 Dec 2004
Posts: 255
Location: S.E. Asia
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:04 am Post subject:


The clean up progresses but some private landowner is now very upset because the Environmental Protection Agency have commandeered his land for the purpose of offloading the tip trucks of the toxic waste.
The Navy confirms having located 24 of the 31 containers on the sea bed, some badly damaged, some not.

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Joined: 24 Dec 2004
Posts: 365
Location: Pacific Region
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:23 am Post subject:


You are not wrong with your 2nd last post popeye, at least in principle.
If it's going to happen, heaven forbid, then it might as well happen at a location where it will at least have the potential to do some good.
I note the RAN has now located all 31 containers. What they will do with them no one yet knows. ROV Video as seen on TV indicates many stand no chance of being lifted - they'd just disintegrate. I don't know if it is feasible to unstuff 31 containers on the sea bed at 120 meters - I suppose it might be, but the cost and the time might be prohibitive.
The Premier was yesterday quoted as saying the final clean up cost will run into million of millions (Courier Mail). Thats probably either a bit of an exageration, but maybe not considering the logistics alone. It may also be political "Speek" signalling an abandonement of much of the operation - as just unviable. That being the case, perhaps even it will be followed by an announcement that The Port of Brisbane is no longer suitable for Shipping. Not a bad idea, come to think of it, - equally, perhaps not.
THIS WAS a SMALL SPILL - not major by any means.
I understand steps are already being taken to identify a list of assetts for seizure, across the globe, pertaining to anyone and everyone who may have contributed to this unfortunate event, in any way whatsoever.
I can't see Swires being reissued any permit to carry cargo on the Australian coast again - there will be much outrage if they are.
Could it be good bye to Swires for all time.

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Joined: 24 Dec 2004
Posts: 365
Location: Pacific Region
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:50 am Post subject:


Oh I nearly forgot.
That Second Edition of The Management of Merchant Ship Stability, Trim and Strength which Int 11 has referred to.
Well it isn't. It just looks like it - it seems the cover up has already begun.
The Title of the Second Edition has Changed to "Stability, Trim and Strength for Merchant ships and Fishing Vessels".
With a change of Title, I suspect, that with it comes a change of ISBN No. It will appear like a different book, or make it exceedingly difficult to trace. (Economically unviable - perhaps)
Just like the old days, and maybe the modern ones to, when a ship became a "plague ship" they just changed the name and the flag.
Meanwhile the original book is still out there, and will remain so, (poisoning the minds of how many, now including fisherman, perhaps) until officially and without doubt, removed from the face of the earth, every last copy, in fact. Burned, every one of them and duly certified as such.Of course thats not going to happen - is it. The "Accidents" will continue, - but are they accidents - or are they deliberate mistakes.
The Lord Justice in charge of the enquiry into the case of the Air New Zealand DC 10 Disaster, said words to the effect that ANZ's defence/account was nothing more than an orchestrated litany of lies - a mamouth attempt to cover up - (no more, no less, is what I presume, he was getting at.)
Is anything different today ?
Where was the "due diligence", the quality control, situation awareness etc - in the first place. (In the case of the book)
None existent - but they go on about it all of the time. Putting their own house in order first and foremost, might be something they'll consider, (before everyone else's) - looking forward, - but will that really make a difference. I think - probably not, well not much at any rate - the pot will go on calling the kettle black - you can bet your last dollar on that.
Just disgusting, just outrageous - in fact.

At 7:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot tip.

When you return to sea as a junior watchkeeping officer, and you find yourself getting into trouble, (which is sure to happen sooner or later) and you are unable to reach the master on the phone for some reason or other, don't be afraid to use the whistle. That's all but guaranteed to bring him to the bridge at about 60 miles per hour.
Do it sooner, rather than later - always.
Just how you use it, is a decision you alone can make, but stick to something appropriate according to the situation before you.
Maybe 5 short blasts would be appropriate in most cases - but not always.
Be sure not to use an inappropriate combination of blast/blasts.

Capt Ret'd.

At 4:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "Parrot" appears both stuffed & demised.

At 6:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to this guy ?

At 4:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note the foregoing comment.

Wednesday 17th June 2009.

At 2:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sensible guy I reckon - he's probably been concentrating on his studies and examinations over the months, and NOT wasteing his time and energies on silly websites.
I expect he will soon post something like -- I HAVE PASSED---
quite soon now.
I could be wrong though - maybe something has happened to him.

Shipmaster (Retired)

At 5:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or perhaps,
Is about to happen to him,
If he doesn't post soon.

Capt. Retired.

13th July 2009.

At 2:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star,
Now I wonder,
Where you are.

:) j.

At 6:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Come On.
Where are you.
Where is that posting "I have passed"
Maybe a resit or something - that's ok - no problem there -

At 5:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like he either stuffed it or snuffed it.
So sad - such a promising start.
He certainly had what it takes !

At 9:37 pm, Blogger none said...

Hi Rob,

Come and join the new forum and wiki for British Deck/ETO/Engine cadets at

We need your help and want to hear about your experiences as a cadet.


At 11:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Blog
Why Stop


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